Xiamcorl’s AKA Croaker’s Weblog

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Ka’Veria Dawn part 4


Ki”Von entered the room drying his hands on a towel. “She is right, Shadout is the best empath I know. I’ve used his services myself after many a tavern brawl. How is our patient doing?”

Shadout answered from behind closed eyes, “I think I’ll live my old friend but a strong ale would help.”

“The whelps are bringing ales ’cause I knew you would ask.” Ki”Von chuckled, “I was asking about Ka’Verai, is she going to be okay?”

“That’s still a little in the air. As you can see I got her conscious, but I can’t get the acid neutralized and the wounds keep opening as well as the scar tissue is building up faster then I can keep up with.”

Ka’Verai frowned at this. Then smiled as five whelps came in to the room. The two foot long lizards each struggling with a tankard of ale that stood almost as high as the sklan whelps were tall. The whelps held their tails out behind them to act as counterbalances But Ka’Verai feared that were the tankards not lidded there would be a fair bit of ale on the floor.

“You’ll get it, Master.” Rhafallia said as she continued to clean Shadout’s fur. “Your ale is here Master.”

Shadout opened his eyes and gathered the mug from the whelp carrying it and took a long pull of the dark liquid. “Ahhh, thats better.” taking a quick count with his finger he asked, “Why five? I need to still be able to work here Ki”Von?”

Ki”Von rolled his eyes independently. “They are not all yours. Two for you and one each for the rest of us.”

“None for our patient here. I need her wits about her and I don’t want to mix any thing with that tea I gave her. Drink up you.” he said with a sideways glance to the frowning Ka’Verai.

She took another sip from the mug of cooling tea. “How bad are the scars?” She asked after swallowing hard.

“When I’m done there shouldn’t be any scars at all. Thats if I can get this acid to stop doing damage. You would think after three days it would have burned its self out. Are you feeling any more effects from the tea?”

“ I feel like I got a build up of mana and I need to cast a spell soon or its going to burn me, plus my vision has gone blurrier and everything is hurting again.” Ka’Verai replied

Shadout quickly touched Ka’Verai’s chest and muttered a few words releasing the mana in Ka’Verai. She screamed and there was pain and darkness again

September 24, 2008 - Posted by | Ka'veria Dawn, serialized writing, Works In Progress, writing | , ,


  1. Interesting. It looks promising, I’ll have to keep an eye on it.

    Comment by Eric the Grey | September 26, 2008 | Reply

  2. Very nice work my friend cant wait to see what you are currently working on

    Comment by Atainteddreamer | November 24, 2008 | Reply

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