Xiamcorl’s AKA Croaker’s Weblog

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Back story for Shadout and Rhafallia part 5


The Back Story for Shadout and Rhafallia is a work of erotica and will be tagged as such.  If you are offended by such works do not read any of the Back Story for Shadout and Rhafallia posts and READ NO FARTHER.  If you do like erotica, enjoy and please comment.


Shadout opened the door and saw a waist high wall of snow. He made his first attack from the entryway plunging the shovel deep in to the wall and grunting as he lifted, throwing the snow forward and to the right of the door. The next load went to the left and he had his pace set plunging, lifting throwing right then left he started his war to reach the street. After eight or so repetitions he had a foothold big enough that he was able to close the door behind himself.

Meanwhile Rhafallia gathered the oats, raisins and some of the bacon from the pantry bringing them out to one of the low stools near the stove. After setting them down she got a deep pan and a skillet out. She filled the pan with water and set it atop the stove to the back. On the front of the stove went the skillet in that she placed the bacon. Opening the door to the wood stove she checked the fire and added another log to it. She started humming a soft tune as the bacons aroma began to fill the room and steam started to emerge from the pot of water. Rhafallia measured in three good sized handfuls of oats in to the kettle and then shook the oats that stuck in her fur loose in to the boiling water. Placing a lid on the pot she gathered the bag of oats and tied it. Picking it up she drifted toward the window to look out at Lord Shadout’s progress in his war with the snow. Seeing he had only made a dozen or less paces from the front stoop and was now battling a nearly head high drift that crossed the yard she knew he was going to be hungry and cold when she called him in. She turned and walked to the pantry putting the oats on the shelf where they belonged. She heard a sudden hiss from the other room running out there she found the kettle boiling over. Running to the stove she grabbed the lid and quickly blowing across the top producing another hiss as foamy water hit the top of the hot stove then receded in to the pot to reveal the oats at a rolling boil. Setting the lid aside she picked up a fork and poked and prodded the sizzling lump of bacon in to individual pieces. Getting a ladle she stirred the oats, they needed to boil a while more. She hummed some more while she got the tea kettle filled up and squeezed it on to the corner of the stove. After turning the bacon she drifted over to the window again, Lord Shadout leaned against his shovel panting and looking back at the half inch or so of fresh snow that had filled in his trench behind him. The drift ahead of him still looked imposing. The work gang in the street was now about two houses down the road there were ten of them so they could spell each other and work continuously. Their blue cloaks marked them as members of the local garrison house. Rhafallia thought aloud. “It’s good to see them earning their coins now. Not that they didn’t earn them when Lord Tormak attacked last spring.” The odor of the bacon reminded her that she had food on the stove so she went to tend it. Finding the oats a thick boiling mass and the bacon nicely crisp she grabbed a heavy towel and used it to remove the hot pot and skillet from the stove to the low stool. Grabbing a handful of raisins and stirring them in to the oats. She got out two bowls and a plate from the cupboard placing them on to another stool she transfered the bacon to the plate with the fork. She retrieved their mugs from beside the healers cot where they had had their evening tea last night. She went to the door, opened it and splashed the dregs of last nights tea on to the side of the snow trench. “My Lord! Breakfast is prepared. Your war with the drift can wait till after a hot meal is in your belly I’m sure, Sir.” She chuckled softly.

“Thank you.” Shadout laughed as he started back toward the door using the shovel as a plow to push the new fallen snow out of his way. On the stoop he jumped up, landing hard, to knock the snow from his heavy cloth cloak and boots then shook out his mane before entering the warm house with Rhafallia close behind him. She flicked her feet as she entered so as not to track in snow herself. Rhafallia helped him with his cloak and hung it on the peg as he slid his boots off and carried them to over to the wood stove to set them by it. The heat of the wood stove almost instantly melted the remaining snow stuck in Shadout’s mane sending a cold stream of water down his back and causing his mane to fall wet against his head. “Ohhh! Damn thats cold!” he bristled his fur and shook the water loose then turned his back to the stove.


Rhafallia went over to the stool they used as a table and knelt by it.

Lord Shadout sat on the floor cross legged at the stool. “I got to get Lar”Ell, a table for this room. She lives in her work room I think.” Shadout commented.

Rhafallia got a bowl and ladled in two steaming scoops of oats and raisins. Then presented it to Lord Shadout with both hands and her head bowed. He accepted it with a nod of his head and she set it on the stool. Next came the bacon plate with the same ritual. Lord Shadout tasted the oats and then nodded to Rhafallia and she served herself and made them each a mug of tea.

“This is good. I see by the way you are serving that you have been thinking about what we talked about last night. Do you really want to become my submissive?” Lord Shadout asked about midway through their meal.

Rhafallia swallowed her latest bite of bacon harder then she planned causing her to cough for a moment. “Yes Sir.” She replied when she recovered herself.

“Then come over here and kneel properly.” He pointed to the spot on the floor between his feet.

She put down her piece of bacon and crawled the few feet to where he pointed and knelt taking care to get her back straight, her ass cheeks squarely on her heels, tail straight behind her. She placed the back of her wrists against the inside of her slightly spread thighs curling her fingers about half closed. Rhafallia cast her eyes down, bowing her head, she picked a spot on the floor to stare at that looked just past the edge of Lord Shadout’s kilt.

“Very close to a proper kneel. I’m sure other Masters wanted it that way but I require two changes. First wrap your tail around your waist like a belt. If I am walking around you I don’t want to trip on it or have to step over it every time I am behind you. If I want it straightened I will tell you too.”

Rhafallia’s tail coiled around her waist as he spoke.

“Good positioning of your tail, but don’t move when I am speaking to you unless I tell you too. Leave it there now that its there.” Lord Shadout grabbed her chin and lifted it with a gentle caress. “The second change I require is your head is to be held high and proud unless you have done something to disgrace me. Your eyes should be up and attentive unless again you have done something to disgrace me. There will be times when I want your eyes down and I will tell you when. I am willing to take you under a provisional collar, think of it as a trial period for both of us at anytime during the provisional period either of us can walk away with no explanation needed. Do you accept this?”

Rhafallia nodded in to Shadout’s cupped hand on her chin and her eyes glowed with tears of gladness and pride “Yes, Sir, yes, Sir I accept.”


(Authors note: there goes that funky messing with my font thing again I need to search the FAQs or write them or something.  Croaker)



November 3, 2008 - Posted by | Adults only, Erotica, serialized writing, Shadout and Rhafallia, writing | , , ,

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